
Tuom took a deep breath, and now it’s time to make a decision. He jumped up. "Then we’ll be the motherland and free to rush out of this damn British military port!" When everyone returns to their respective warships, they will not move to prepare the ship. All activities will remain the same, but soldiers will no longer be allowed to land today! Our flagship’ Langgong’ will take action at 12 o’clock at night! No matter if the British stop us, we must return to France! "

"Back to France!"
"Long live freedom!"
When the sun sets, the harbor presents an intoxicating scene. Facing the harbor, Lord Hill silently looks at the setting sun. This scene reminds him of the bleak future of the whole British Empire and a sudden desolation in his heart.
Then a gentle step came from behind him, and the officer behind him reported after standing at attention
"Lord report, the French did not behave abnormally after today’s regular meeting!"
"Hum! The French are not stupid. They know exactly what they will have after France surrenders! Continue to strengthen vigilance and how is the progress of mine laying outside the port? "
"Our destroyer has anchored the mine and blocked the passage of the original mine area outside the port. Even our own warships can’t get out before the minesweeper sweeps a passage again!"
Lord seems satisfied that it is unnecessary for his fleet to leave the port for a short time. After losing two armed transport fleets in a row, Britain has adjusted the way that a single freighter slips through the German blockade at night. The loss of British freighters has been decreasing month by month, because there are fewer and fewer British freighters. Now Britain is increasingly dependent on neutral freighters, but the German navy’s Atlantic assault fleet is frequent. Many neutral freighters have been searched by them, and even the freighters carrying ordinary goods such as grain have been expelled by them for various reasons. Most neutral countries are afraid to be angry or make some weak protests about this.
"By the way, put the invitation for dinner today to those French captains for me! Go and see how the chefs are preparing later. Remember to prepare more good wine. We should get together with these French allies. Maybe we will no longer be friends in the day! "
Hill took out a stack of fancy invitations from the drawer and handed them to the officers. No one knows when the French government decided to surrender. It may really be the day.
"yes! Does the Lord have any other orders? "
Hill shook his head and then turned back to the window. There were masts in the harbor, and the whole joint fleet was fairly large. But in his view, those were either old British warships or disloyal French warships. Seven French battleships, two cruisers and 12 destroyers were moored at the northernmost part of the harbor, and nine British battleships, 10 cruisers, 14 destroyers and a group of patrol boats, torpedo boats, were sandwiched in the periphery of the French warships.
Hill, the British secretary of the navy, is well aware of the fate of these French warships after the French surrender. They will never stop in the French harbor and rust, but attack Britain. The Germans have published a declaration on British soil. It seems that this time it is not a joke. If these French warships are added, their transportation and escort capabilities will be even stronger. King George has reported to him that it is best to force the French fleet to stay in Britain after the French government surrenders, but in any case, they cannot be put into the arms of the Germans.
Although fully prepared, Hill still seems to be very worried. After all, the British fleet has not been able to suppress the French fleet in terms of quantity and quality. Once there is an exchange of fire between the two sides, even if the port fortress and the dock are added, Britain will not take any advantage. Britain’s only advantage is the mine array outside the port.
When night fell, the whole harbor was almost dark. In view of the fact that the German airship came to spy around the clock, the warships and houses here were blacked out so that the Germans could not find their way. Today, the Hill headquarters on the east side of the harbor shone alone like a lone star. It seems that Hill’s friendship between Britain and France will make an exception
In the command room of the French battleship "Langong", Tuoom sat in a chair in uniform. He was holding Hill’s invitation in his hand, and the appointment would soon arrive. Before that, his sailors were now relocating mines outside the port. He thought that maybe the British were going to put on a good show of "drinking wine and releasing soldiers" tonight.
"General, other captains have come to signal whether they want to go to the appointment together?" Adjutant to the side.
Thought for a long time figure om said firmly
"Who knows what the British Ann is! This banquet can’t go to signal the ships that the precursor will set sail immediately! The destroyer is in front of the minesweeping battleship to cover the rear! "
As soon as the signal came out of the "Langong", the British, who were in charge of closely monitoring the French fleet, knew that the alarm of the French plan immediately resounded through the whole harbor pier and soon fell into chaos. Many civilians did not know what had happened near the warship, and the French sailors quickly untied the cable and removed the pedal ship. The sailors immediately entered their respective positions, and the guns and torpedoes were also ready to shoot.
When the alarm sounded, Hill knew that his premonition had come true, and all the British officers attending the banquet hurried back to their posts.
"Report to the Lord that the French have come to signal that they are going to leave Hong Kong for training!"
"joke!" Hill grunted coldly. "Tell them that we have blocked the passage to prevent German submarines from breaking into the harbor. If you don’t want to be sunk by British mines or shark-like German submarines outside the harbor, cancel their so-called departure training! Let our fleet action commandos prepare to board the ship to control those French warships! "
In front of the Lord, the port of Plymouth has been completely noisy. The searchlights are sweeping back and forth. French warships flying blue, white and red flags are slowly moving to the port. Most of the British warships are also anchoring. Many small British ships are afraid to stop the French fleet route and try to stop those big things from moving forward with their petite bodies.
"emperor! The French are crazy, they are going to crash! "
On a British patrol boat, the sailors were frightened and shouted dozens of meters to their right. A huge French battleship was slowly waiting for everyone to jump into the water. The warship arched the British patrol boat like a pebble in front of it, while other French warships passed by the overturned British patrol boat one after another.
"signal! If they don’t stop, we will be on fire! "
The captain of a British armored battleship approaching the French fleet gave an order to his signalman.
Soon the captain got a reply from the French. Go away and cool off! We are still your shit allies!
The British captain froze, and the French said, yes, Britain and France will remain allies as long as the French government does not sign the surrender agreement, although everyone knows that the French government will surrender soon.
"The ship must not enter the channel now or it will sink!" The British fortress sent a signal
"Objects must not prevent the fleet of the French Republic from leaving the port or they will be destroyed!" French warships are tit for tat.
In the end, French warships sailed into the channel one after another, and a large number of British warships gathered towards the channel to transport commandos and several British battleships to the French battleships that stopped to wait for departure, in an attempt to board the French warships from the ship’s side with rifles, and the French sailors refused to budge.
"Go home! Brit! " French sailors shouted in French with rifles.
"Arms! French guy! " British soldiers aimed at each other’s English and shouted, but several soldiers who stepped on the pedal could not advance or retreat.
With the two sides pulling the bolt one after another, this confrontation fire became more intense, and both sides’ gunships and machine guns also joined the confrontation.
Watching the farcical scene in the harbor from a distance, Lord Hill has been slow to give an order to fire. If the French government surrenders, it will be morally condemned to fire at the French fleet, but now France is still in the negotiation period, but it will bear the responsibility of breaking the Covenant.
"The communication officer asked the king newspaper if our army was on fire!" Hill decided to kick the ball to King George. After all, what he said in his previous newspaper was before the French government announced its surrender.
Bang …
With a loud noise in the distance, Hill’s heart became uneasy. Could it be that the two sides could not help but exchange fire? However, the actual situation is not as serious as he imagined. The explosion came from the port direction, but there was no explosion light in the warships of the two countries near the channel.
"Mine array!"
It turned out that several French destroyers, which were the first to sail out of the channel, rushed to clear the mines. Unfortunately, the Steel Plate struck a mine, and half of the 96 French sailors were killed on the spot.
"The situation is getting more and more complicated!" Hill lamented.
Brothers, please help support your friends. The new "Yuqingqi" has been thanked here for 114 days! ! !
Chapter 11 prodigal
"1 billion pounds! Can buy the whole of Africa! Is it necessary for our ancestors to accumulate wealth from generation to generation and lose it in our generation? "
George V counted his succession with his fingers. It was only four years ago. He was full of ambition to keep the British Empire standing on the top of the world under his rule. But now this country is in the most critical period in hundreds of years, which once led its citizens to lead Rong Hai to hegemony. At this time, the British Empire is more like a dark shark around the island. Looking around, it is surrounded by German warships flying the black eagle cross navy flag.
"But we need a fleet with sufficient strength to attack the German Atlantic attack fleet and maintain our precarious sea transportation, otherwise hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the colonies will not be able to bring in food and ammunition for the millions of troops in the soil, and we will not be able to transfer the royal family, the government and a large amount of wealth out. With this fleet, we can also attack the German army when it attacks our soil, or cut them off. They have boarded the 6-force backup to strangle the Germans on our coast, so that we can be qualified to talk with the Kaiser!"
Xiang Lao-he suggested that many cabinet ministers also expressed their support. After the defeat, the king has no plans to reorganize the cabinet for the time being, but the situation in Britain has not changed for the better, and these ministers have no good life.
"At present, our government’s liquidity is running low, so we might as well consider the suggestion that Americans should pay £ 100 million for Jamaica and £ 200 million for Trinidad and Tobago".
"Those colonies are precious to our British empire!" Some ministers hold objections. They think that funds can be accumulated slowly, but colonies are not readily available, especially when the competition for colonies among major powers is heating up, land needs a lot of soldiers’ blood in exchange.

Comments Off on Tuom took a deep breath, and now it’s time to make a decision. He jumped up. "Then we’ll be the motherland and free to rush out of this damn British military port!" When everyone returns to their respective warships, they will not move to prepare the ship. All activities will remain the same, but soldiers will no longer be allowed to land today! Our flagship’ Langgong’ will take action at 12 o’clock at night! No matter if the British stop us, we must return to France! "