
Feng Yichen unconsciously revealed a happy smile and picked up the two strawberries that had been crushed in the chest.

It seems that this new dress is useless again!
It didn’t take long for Shu Lele to come in with a bowl of red strawberry juice and present a treasure. "Little dust, fragrant, sweet and beautiful, come and eat. If it’s late, it won’t be there!"
"You feed me!"
"Don’t feed! Do it yourself! "
Anyway, Shu Lele finally scooped out a small bowl and sent it to his mouth.
Feng Yichen was happy to enjoy the moment when strawberry juice entered the mouth, as if something had crossed his mind and tried to catch it, but there was nothing left.
"Lele, have we eaten this before?"
"no! This is the first time that Wen Hanlin has done it before! "
"Oh!" What’s that flash in my head? Feng Yichen is confused.
However, his attention was quickly attracted by the delicious strawberry juice, and he never forgot to sincerely praise "I didn’t expect Wen Hanlin to do this!"
"I didn’t expect it either, but I didn’t expect it even more. He actually captured our family’s double hearts. You are too much now. Can you marry them and then have a gorgeous wedding?"
"This can be! You decide the time and place! "
"good! I’ll ask a pair and then give it a decision! "
Shu Lele immediately sent a letter to let Shuangri wait in Youranju. She has something important to discuss.
Shuang got Xin Nai’s wry smile. "What can she do but forced marriage!"
Chunlan several girls are snickering, and Shu Lele is praised for a while before laughing. "We think this move is very agreeable, miss. You finally found a lover, and everyone is happy."
Go back to the mountain and tell the master that he is happy.
Shuang is not as optimistic as they are. She sighs, "We haven’t talked about marriage yet. How did he get here? It’s not like you don’t know that he has a fiancee at home!"
"This ….." A few girls are stunned. Why didn’t they think of this?
Wen Hanlin arrived here on the same day because he escaped from marriage. If he suddenly came home with a pair at this time, his family might not know how to look at them.
Chunlan thought for a moment. "Why don’t you send someone to Wengong’s hometown to find out what attitude he has at home? Is that woman married? If she is married, won’t there be any problems?"
"It’s a good idea, but I can’t say these words when people don’t say they want to marry me."
"That’s easy! Give it to Miss Lele!"
So on the second day, when Shule went to Youranju, Chunlan told these facts truthfully.
Shu Lele’s smiling face suddenly became stiff and gritted his teeth. "How could I forget that Wen Hanlin is still carrying ungrateful names? Why should we send someone to deal with this problem himself? Double you just wait to be a bride. "
"But what if he goes back and can’t get out?"
"Double ….." Shu Lele stroke forehead sigh "you’re bad! You were poisoned by him! Look at you. You’re really not going to marry him? "
"isn’t this what you and my dad want?"
"yes! But our wish can’t let you be wronged before! "
Just as he was talking, someone suddenly reported that Wen Hanlin had come.
Emma really speaks of the devil!
Shu Lele jumped up and ran out directly to drag Wen Hanlin in, and then solemnly asked him, "Wen Han Lin Wengong, I am asking you very solemnly now, are you willing to marry our double wife?"
"….." Everyone was surprised.
Who can directly ask this question in front of both men and women?
Don’t say double red Wen Hanlin was slightly embarrassed.
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However, Shu Lele is still pressing hard. "Answer me quickly. If you hesitate, I will take you as reluctant!"
"no! I do! I am very willing! " Wen Hanlin was so busy that he was determined not to speak slowly that Shu Lele withdrew his mandate.
"Ha ha! This is not enough! " Shu Lele clapped her hands and laughed, followed by a voice change. "But you still have a fiancee in your family who hasn’t handled it properly. My family won’t make a small person!"
Wen Hanlin smiled "this nature! I’m planning to go back in a few days. If the woman has already broken off her marriage, everything will be fine. If she hasn’t broken off her marriage, I’ll offer a humble apology. I’ll definitely do this well and get married and go home! "
"Well, is it enough to give you a month?"
"Try your best!"
In fact, Wen Hanlin has no idea in his own mind. He has disappeared for so long, and what blame will he get when he goes back this time? Well, I hope grandpa and dad will be reasonable enough to let him go.
Shu Lele left the time for the two of them when he saw that things were completed, and then went to the street with Ziziphus jujuba to buy something and went back to the house
Who knows that Jun Shao Yan and Mei Er actually came to Ning Wangfu?
Look at them standing side by side with their fingers clasped. Shu Lele smashed his mouth. "If you want to show your love, don’t come to my winter snow garden. Hum, when my little dusty didn’t bully me at home!"
Mei-er blushed and threw away Jun Shaoyan. She took her hand and smiled. "Lele, don’t make fun of me. You may be bored when you are with Grandpa!"
"Which eye did you see?" Shu Lele doesn’t admit it, but his heart is sweet.
"I can see everything. I remember someone praising him for being a good husband!"
"Ha ha, that’s a good name, email. You must set out towards this goal in the future and train Xiaojun into a ten-good" xianggong ".
"good! Although this is challenging, I will work hard! " Jun Shao Yan suddenly cut in.
Although there is still a dull pain somewhere in my heart sometimes, at the sight of Mei Er’s smiling face, he will be filled with joy.
He has decided that he must marry his email wife in this life.
Everyone in your family likes her very much, and she has been treated as a wealthy family.
But there is a serious problem, that is, email still has an engagement, and their affairs will always be a problem if she doesn’t break off the engagement.
Jun Shao Yan sighed unconsciously and looked at Mei Er’s eyes.
E-mail and her eyes thumped. I just remembered that I had driven Jun Shaoyan out today, and then I whispered to Shu Lele.
"Mei Er, you look serious enough. Is something wrong?"
"Well, that thing has always been a thorn in my heart. If I don’t uproot it, I can’t sleep well!"
"What is it?" Lang jun is handsome and capable, and his love is happy and sweet. What else is bothering her?
Email sighed faintly and said, "Do you remember that official business I told you?"
"Oh, that seems to be one thing, but didn’t he run away from marriage? What are you correcting? "

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